Boiler Installation2018-11-18T10:14:08+00:00

Boiler Installation

What is involved with installing a boiler? And how much does it actually cost? These are two common questions when it comes to a boiler installation. Don’t worry, as we’ve created this page with all that you need to know when it comes to getting a boiler fitted: costs, tasks, and tips.

Boiler installation: how much does it cost?

What do you have to think about when looking at installing a boiler? Unfortunately, there are quite a few, making it difficult to calculate an exact price. These include:

  • The extent of the installation work

  • The components needed

  • Labour costs

  • Who is doing the installation

Conventional boilers

Conventional boilers, also referred to as heat only, traditional or regular boilers, operate your central heating system through a separate water cylinder and boiler.

Combi boilers

A combi (or combination) boiler is an ingenious space-saving idea, and an increasingly popular choice in homes. In fact, combis now account for well over half of all the new domestic boilers installed in every year.

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