FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEMadministrator2018-09-16T05:37:18+00:00
Fire Alarm & Detection
We care about your safety. We offer Fire Alarm Solutions with total integration capability to best meet your building’s & factory’s needs. With long experience in fire alarm systems.
The Hydrant System comprises of AC motor driven pump sets with all required accessories including valves, instrumentation and controls etc. Complete in all respects.
Fire Sprinkler Systems is a significant factor in reducing fire losses. They are widely recognized as the single most effective method for preventing the spread of fires in early stages.
This system is basically used for Datacenter. Aspirating smoke detectors operate by drawing air in through a network of pipes with holes strategically placed within them to allow air.
The quick suppression of a fire can help prevent catastrophic fire damage. If your business relies on sensitive electronic equipment in order to operate.
A B C” Stored pressure type: ABC fire extinguisher is useful for fires of A, B and C types. Fire breaking out in these types involves cotton, wood, grease, flammable liquids, electrical wiring, live machinery and others.